聯絡我們 Contact Us
聯絡電話(Phone number)
我是...(Let us know a bit more about you)*
捐款人(I am a donor)
我有問題想問(I want to make an inquiry)
我有合作提案(I want to cooperate/collaborate with you)
合作項目(合作提案單位必填)Inquiry type (This field is required if you want to cooperate with us)
教育工作者研習講座(Period education training for educators)
講座邀請(Speaker invitation)
企業/品牌合作(CSR/ESG and other business/NGO cooperation)
小紅厝月經博物館導覽(Period Museum guided tour)
公司/單位/職稱(合作提案單位必填)Company/Organisation/Title (This field is required if you want to cooperate with us)
預計邀請/合作內容(請簡述:預計執行日期與時間、要達成的目標、參與的人數與對象)Tell us a bit about your idea, timeline, and budget
備註(Anything else you want to tell us)
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